Entry Form

    Overall concept:

    22nd Annual

    Reflections on the Heisei Era - Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes

    1. Please check one category

    2. Please fill in the following:

    Applicant’s name:

    Name of the Embassy / Consulate:

    Your position:




    (We contacts for the deadline or other matters)

    3. Please return this form by post with the entry fee of *¥5,000 (cash) to:

    Japan through Diplomats’ Eyes Committee
    Attention: Shinobu Abe (Mr.)
    4-14-4-1206, Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061
    e-mail: keichu@ii.em-net.jp
    (Tel:03-3543-0156 Fax:03-5835-4334) The confirmation e-mail will be sent later.

    *The entry fee of ¥5,000 will be helpful to cover the printing expenses of the catalogue, in return, you will receive 5 copies of the catalogue when published in October. Your understanding would be very much appreciated. (Receipt will be issued if requested)

    Deadline for the sending in of the entry: Friday 31st May 2019
    Deadline for the sending in of the photographs: Wednesday 3rd July 2019
    (The committee holds the selection meeting on 30th July)